Going To The Pictures

The aim of the Going to the Pictures Project has been to help preserve a part of our local cinema heritage by collecting and recording memories from people who used and worked in the local picture houses from the 1930's to the 1960's.

Memories are made of this… Project overview

The aim of the Going to the Pictures Project has been to help preserve a part of our local cinema heritage by collecting and recording memories from people who used and worked in the local picture houses from the 1930′s to the 1960′s.

Explore  this map of 21 local cinemas within a 3 mile radius of the Plaza, from 1930 to 1960.

Cinema Heritage Interactive Map

Explore this map of 21 local cinemas within a 3 mile radius of the Plaza, from 1930 to 1960.

Photoplay film magazine not only had articles about new film releases it also had articles about  the film stars themselves and their private lives.

Photoplay Film Magazine

Photoplay film magazine not only had articles about new film releases it also had articles about the film stars themselves and their private lives.

The cinema for women from the 1930's onwards has provided an escape from real life and a place in which they could find out about new fashions and trends

Women and the Cinema

The cinema for women from the 1930′s onwards has provided an escape from real life and a place in which they could find out about new fashions and trends

When the film 'Rock Around the Clock' was released in cinemas the music had people dancing in the aisles and many people were asked to leave the cinema.

‘Rock around the Clock’

When the film ‘Rock Around the Clock’ was released in cinemas the music had people dancing in the aisles and many people were asked to leave the cinema.

I remember watching ‘The Night of the Living Dead’ with my wife, who hid throughout the whole film.

Watching the horror film ‘The Night of the Living Dead, with my wife.

I remember watching ‘The Night of the Living Dead’ with my wife, who hid throughout the whole film.

The Bijou - a small cinema in Waterloo

The Bijou – East Street Waterloo

The Bijou – a small cinema in Waterloo

Tom has an interesting cinema memory from before the smoking ban.

Real cigarettes in the Regal

Tom has an interesting cinema memory from before the smoking ban.

In the early days of cinema films for children would often be of American origin and sometimes just be adult films which had been edited until British films especially made for the child audience came along following concerns about the effects of film on the young audience.

J. Arthur Rank and Children’s Entertainment Films

In the early days of cinema films for children would often be of American origin and sometimes just be adult films which had been edited until British films especially made for the child audience came along following concerns about the effects of film on the young audience.

The cinema became a place of respectable employment and offered roles to both men and women

Employment in the Picture Houses

The cinema became a place of respectable employment and offered roles to both men and women